Today it was such a joy to officially have our novel study groups Skype with Springer School in Los Altos. Each group had one computer, and about 30 minutes to discuss their novels. Overall I would call it a succes as we only had a few technical hiccups where video dropped out and we had to go to imessaging back and forth instead. While I don’t think there was intense intellectual discussion, it made my heart soar to watch my students interacting with 12 year olds in another country.
The power of technology at our finger tips is incredible. To be able to work with people you’ve never met as an adult is useful and as a kid it is like magic. I am incredibly proud of my students and how they adapt and and run with lessons I give. At times I forget how young they are and today I was just so proud of their ability to adapt to technology. See here for links on our class website to their blogs where they discuss their own reactions to the Skype session today.
All this being said, today we had our first snow in Korea. At the end of the day, I noticed all of us were more excited about snow than math so we put aside our computers, pencils and paper and took time to just be kids. Playing in the white powder snow was an incredible feeling! We were all kids without any cares in the world.
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